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Volunteers Recognised!

Volunteers recognised!

The work of some of our members has been formally recognised by the Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens (AAFBG), at a function on Friday 5 May 2023.

The Handbury awards recognise exceptional contributions to an Australian Botanic Garden, Arboretum, or Park, by an AAFBG member group or individual from a member group. Nominations of the following were successful:

  • Rodger and Gwen Elliot (Individual awards)
  • (CF) Growing Friends group (organisation award).

The awards were presented at the AAFBG’s 30th anniversary and AGM, which was hosted by the Melbourne Friends at RBG Melbourne.  

The Cranbourne Friends is pleased to work with the AAFBG, which helps Friends groups through the vast country of Australia, to keep in contact.

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