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Cranbourne Friends, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Inc. is an enthusiastic group of more than 600 members who share a love of Australian plants and nature, and support Cranbourne Gardens.

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Our Groups

Botanical Weaving group

Botanical Weaving group meets on the fourth Sunday of the month, every second month at the Elliot Centre.
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FiGs – Friends in the Garden

The FiGs - Friends in the Garden Volunteer Group -  are all keen to work…

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Mt Hotham Discovery Tour - by Margaret Margitta

Friends in Focus

The Friends In Focus group get together to learn about photography, take photos and enhance and practise skills.
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Botanical Fabricator at work

Botanical Fabricators

We work with fabric crafts using materials or designs featuring and highlighting the beauty of Australian native plants.
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Growing Friends

The Growing Friends propagate a great variety Australian native plants that have been sourced from the Gardens.
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Botanical Illustrators

Our get-togethers allow us to share ideas, information, and support whilst working on our paintings and drawings.
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Red Kangaroo Paw plant

Open House – for Members only

Open House is a special event held on the 2nd Thursday of the month for…

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