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Volunteers recognised!

The work of some of our members has been formally recognised by the Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens (AAFBG), at a function on Friday 5 May 2023. The Handbury awards recognise exceptional contributions to an Australian Botanic Garden, Arboretum, or…

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AAFBG bus tour visit

An AAFBG  (Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens) group will visit RBG Cranbourne by bus; after morning tea hosted by the Cranbourne Friends and a tour of the Australian Garden, they will travel on to Cruden Farm.

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Annual General Meeting and celebration

  • November 6, 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the Cranbourne Friends, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Inc.  will include a talk by author Carolyn Landon. The AGM will be followed by a celebration of two long-serving staff members and Honorary Life Members of the…

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