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Paint A Spotted Pardalote – Workshop With David Reynolds
Spotted pardalote, by David Reynolds

Paint a Spotted Pardalote – Workshop with David Reynolds

In August, well-known watercolour artist David Reynolds will present a beautiful workshop at the Elliot Centre at the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne. This might be just the workshop to progress your watercolour painting technique or provide new inspiration. The workshop will be held over two days – Friday 2 August and Friday 9 August, 10 am to 4pm. All welcome – please register below if interested in attending.

David specializes in botanical and natural history art and is also an experienced tutor, currently including  both Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne and Nature in Art Park Orchards in his teaching venues . He has exhibited widely over many years and won several awards – most recently in the Plantae exhibition of the UK Society of Botanical Artists. More at

This 2-day workshop will be a slight shift of focus for the artist from the usual purely botanical. Held over two consecutive Fridays, the chosen subject will be a Spotted Pardalote in a Eucalyptus.  This beautiful brightly-coloured bird will be the main focus of the painting, together with the unique foliage of Eucalyptus polyanthemos (Red Box). Students will learn in a relaxed and encouraging atmosphere with plenty of discussion about the watercolour  techniques used. Practical demonstrations of each technique will be given allowing students to progress to a finished watercolour painting. 

More details and a materials list will be provided to enrolled participants. BYO lunch (morning tea provided). 

Cost: Friends Members – $170; Non-Members – $215

Numbers are limited to 10 and booking cuts off July 19.  Register your attendance now on our booking page

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