Cranbourne Friends, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, is an enthusiastic group of more than 600 members, who share a love of Australian plants and nature, and support Cranbourne Gardens.
Friends have a special involvement in the ongoing development of Cranbourne Gardens through the award-winning Australian Garden and the conservation of the important remnant bushland and its many creatures.
The Friends Group was officially launched in 1991 by a group of people who were keen to support the Gardens and foster its development. After over 30 years we are a mixture of plant lovers, gardeners, landscape designers, environmentalists, photographers and nature lovers. This enthusiastic group share a love of Australian plants and nature, and raise funds to support the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne.
Please read the Cranbourne Friends Rules which were amended by Special Resolution at our 2023 AGM and have now also been updated to comply with Consumer Affairs requirements. This document is now supplemented by our Privacy and Data Security Policy. Please note that a Booking-and-Cancellation-Policy applies to any Events the Friends offers; similarly, where an event involving travel is offered, the Cranbourne Friends Policy on high risk and long duration activities is likely to apply.
Special Interest Groups
The Friends have a number of Special Interest Groups. Guidelines for new Special Interest Groups have been developed.
If there is an incident involving volunteers while working onsite, an RBGV staff member should be contacted as soon as possible to report the incident. An RBGV Incident Report will need to be filled out and submitted to the RBGV.
The Cranbourne Friends organisation is also insured under the Garden Clubs of Australia (GCA) insurance scheme for Personal Accident of Voluntary Workers, within strict age guidelines, and general Public & Products Liability. If you are injured on a Friends trip in Australia or when doing voluntary work for the Friends, an Insurance Incident report form should be completed in consultation with the Policy certificate and sent to the Friend’s secretary ( for consideration. More information is available on the GCA website.
Rosemary Miller
Wendy Herauville
Treasurer and Acting Vice-President
0407 525 136
Erin Cosgriff
Immediate Past President
0419 518 621
John Arnott
Jill Burness
0402 477 590
Helen Kennedy
Kim McKee
0431 031672
Alexandra Stalder
Membership Officer
0431 025 733 (text preferred)