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Living Collections Now Online

Living Collections now online

Visit the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne Living Collections site to see information and photos about key plants in each of the special garden areas at the Australian Garden.

If you want to know whether a particular plant that you have seen at Cranbourne Gardens will grow in your garden, or when it flowers, this is the place to find out.

For the small Seaside Garden (pictured above) the details of six plants are provided, among them the bright red-orange Sea Box (Alyxia Buxifoliae) and the delicate Dune Fan Flower (Scaevola Calendulacea), with hints and information about growing them at home. There are 21 different Garden collections displayed in this way, so this website is a wonderful ready-reference.

If you come to our next Plant Sale (on the weekend of October 12 and 13, 2024), this site may help you to choose the kind of plants you want to buy.

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